Part 162: The Grandeur 1
Welcome back!
Dang. That is one snazzy office, considering it's on an airship.

Even the intro FMV showed two Icarians. Kind of a neat little point of continuity.
Y'know, assuming we ignore the bit where Leen was old enough to help take care of Feena, despite being her twin.

Thankfully, an alarm interrupts Baal's attempts to


Looks like Baal wasn't the only one to hear the alarm.

For some reason, I feel the urge to replay Mega Man Legends.

It's a very exciting sequence, I assure you.

Unfortunately, the

And our Manta takes a direct hit.

It's a good thing Justin is immune to fall damage, otherwise this might be worrisome.

Figured some of you might enjoy this one.

You can tell it's serious when Justin starts being the pragmatic one.

So, the Grandeur is a pretty memorable dungeon. But first....

I figure that the best thing to do with Milda's skill XP is to give one to Justin, one to Rapp, and the final to our fourth party member.

Guido keeps the Thunder Arrow, but Rapp swaps out for the Bloody Knife. After all, we're fighting a whole bunch of humans here. Surely this is the best place for it.

Also, before you start, don't miss this Fruit of Moves up here on the wall. +5 max SP is nothing to scoff at.
And with that out of the way, let's discuss the single enemy type present in this dungeon.

These guys are pretty no-nonsense. Neutral to all elements, and resist sleep. They can drop rescue sets, which restore 120 HP to the whole party, as well as Battle Helms, which give some defense and magic block resistance.
Heavy Blow is, as the name implies, a strong hit. 120 power single-target physical attack. Justin doesn't want to get hit with this.
Sword Dance is a single-target 60-power magical attack. Because magic attacks ignore defense, it'll usually wind up doing more damage than Heavy Blow.
Finally, Shocksword is a 30-power magical attack that hits the whole party. Oddly enough, it does earth-elemental damage.
They always attack in groups of three, and there are plenty of them in here. The usual strategy for this dungeon is pretty basic.
10 IF (SP > 45)
60 GOTO 10
However, that's not really an option for us. Partially because Justin hasn't recovered between the Zil Ruins and now, and partly because Rapp really needs some magic XP.
But first, let's see how that Bloody Knife does.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Let's see how it compares to the Godspeed Knife.

That... that's well within the normal damage variance. What the heck?
Turns out that the Bloody Knife is missing the "extra damage to human-type enemies" flag.
Funnily enough, it's not the only piece of equipment from the Castle of Dreams to lie about its effect. The Death Mask says it reduces IP damage taken. Not terribly uncommon, several other pieces of armor do the same thing. Except for one minor detail: it actually increases the IP knockback the wearer receives.
Just, y'know, thought that was worth a mention.

Each of those soldiers on the field becomes a group of three in battle. There are quite a few.

Y'know, I think the only propaganda that Garlyle'd need at this point is "We're the only motherfuckers with airships".

Eh, he was only one level away.
Still needs a few more earth and water levels, though.

The Grandeur is pretty light on hidden items. This here, the Warrior's Mail, gives a decent defense boost and resists move block.

Phew. That gauntlet is done.
.... Should probably mention that, at some point during the whole thing, Justin picked up his next mace level, and learned his final tech. But we're still a ways off from that.

Anyway, the engine room is filled with suitably sci-fi looking things.

Ahh, the control room. Probably something important in here.

Oh dear. I suppose that would count as "important", yes.

And indeed we shall.

Next time!